About ClearView Research

Our Story

In 2015, ClearView Research was co-founded by soon-to-be graduates, Burphy Zumu, Kenny Imafidon and Leonie Bellio.

Our agency was born in response to the increasingly difficult challenge faced by decision-makers to understand complex, niche and so-called “hard to reach audiences'.

We always knew that there was no such thing as people being ‘hard to reach’. People were just not bothered to engage and failed to do the necessary groundwork to build trusted relationships in communities.

Our Why

Too often, decisions about products, services, funding, and policy leave out the voices of the communities they affect.

We're all about building connections! We provide a platform for the voices of those who are often excluded or underrepresented in research to be championed.

Our Mission

To provide decision makers with the learnings and expertise they need to make better decisions through research, evaluation, strategy and engagement with everyday people.

Our Vision

To have a world where communities that have been traditionally marginalised or underrepresented are equitably represented in research & have the power and agency to influence decision making.

If you’re a client interested in discussing a research idea or simply want to say hi, we’d love to hear from you.