Community Spotlight: Samuel

Name: Samuel

Age: 33

Location: London

Role: Participant

You worked on the Indoor Air Quality project. What did you do?

We had bi-weekly meetings and weekly meetings (mostly weekly). We discussed the effects of air pollution in our area and this happened over zoom. Between Mid-Jan to early Feb.

How was your experience of this?

My experience was good, I learned about air pollution, things I didn’t know about before. It was good to discuss air pollution. I didn’t know the effects of air pollution prior to the meeting.

Was there any specific outcomes or achievements from your involvement in the project?

My input was used and placed in a CVR report.

Did you feel like your input was valued during the project? Were there any moments when you felt particularly engaged or heard?

Throughout the project they were encouraging participation so there wasn't any moment where I wasn't engaged or didn’t feel included.

What motivated you to participate in this project? What were you hoping to gain or learn?

I wanted to gain a better understanding of air pollution and its effects.

Can you speak to the broader impact of the project? How do you think it could be useful for others?

It’s a great opportunity to learn about air pollution and a good opportunity to earn some money.

What did it mean to you to be a part of this project?

I wanted to help CVR to gather the necessary research. It was more to help CVR and benefit financially. It was good to get everyone’s insights and things I didn't expect to affect air pollution actually did. 

Were there any unexpected personal or professional benefits for you?

The financial benefit.

Was there anyone involved in the project who had a particularly strong influence on you or your experience?

Ramya. The way she navigated the conversation. It was really good

Would you recommend participating in something like this to others? Why or why not?

Yes, gives you an opportunity to learn more about the subject that you didn't know about previously and find out exactly how it can benefit you as well.

What message would you like to share with future participants in this project? 

Be open and get involved.


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