Flying Against Gravity - The Lived Reality of Poverty in London 

4in10 x Greater London Authority, 2021

ClearView collaborated with the Greater London Authority to explore the Lived Experience of Poverty in London after COVID-19. We sought to understand the impact of poverty on Londoners’ fundamental human rights, including an adequate standard of living, health, education, and housing and establish an understanding of the diverse experiences of poverty across London as we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic.

We conducted this research using a mixed method approach.

The qualitative aspect involved the engagement of people who self-identified as having faced financial challenges in the last five years through our co-creation group, exploration labs, and interviews. In total, we collaborated with 35 participants over the course of the project.

For the quantitative aspect, we conducted an online poll with a representative sample of London of 1000 respondents across ages, genders, and ethnicities.

Download the full report.


Black Equity Organisation